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The Adrenal Stress and Hormone Panel is a simple saliva test that can be done at home. We'll look at markers that give insight as to why you aren't sleeping, can't lose weight, and are exhausted all of the time.

Stress & Hormones Profile

Metabolic Wellness Profile

The MWP helps us figure out if you have any DNA damage that can be affecting levels of inflammation and premature aging. It also helps us determine if your liver is congested and your detoxification pathways are compromised.

MRT Food Sensitivity Test

This blood test looks at over 175 different food proteins to see if your immune system is reacting to certain things you're eating. If you suffer from mood swings, brain fog, low energy, skin issues, or stomach pain, you'll benefit.

Mucosal Barrier Assessment

This at home dried blood spot test looks for intestinal permeability and can help us figure out why you have histamine issues or have a hard time digesting your food.


The GI Map is a simple, at home stool test that shows us why you're struggling with bloating, gas, diarrhea or constipation, reflux, stomach pain, and increasingly new food sensitivities.

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